Larry Stickmen

A keynote game heavily inspired by Henry Stickmin. Spanning 400+ slides, it took me in the range of 69-420 hours. A spent a good amount of time on the breathtaking visuals. The sound effects, graphics, and the overall experience is first-rate.


The Bicycle Time Machine

I invented this time machine on the way back home on an ancient bicycle that dates back to Ancient Egypt 20 years ago when I had a 69,000$ debt. When I saw the bicycle, it was broken, but immediately got repaired and looks brand new upon touching it. The time machine uses quantum physics and many advanced concepts that definitely I used. The concepts are so, so, advanced that even I can't understand. The time machine is named "The Bicycle Time Machine" as a tribute to the bicycle that this thing was invented on, and the concepts used in the making of this time machine are now commonly called "Bicycle Physics". Both the bicycle and the time machine are now preserved in a museum for enternity.



Since I use Keynote a lot, it has probably come to light that it was my very own invention. I pitched the concept Steve Jobs telepathically around 3 years before I was even born. Steve Jobs liked it so much he accepted it 20 minutes before I even told him. I am that powerful.